The newest trick in the James Vivian toolshed? That’s Tixel!

The newest trick in the James Vivian toolshed? That’s Tixel!

Meet Tixel, our hot (pun intended) new heat-based therapy addressing signs of ageing, especially around the eye area. 

It’s not every day (or even every year!) that we welcome a new treatment modality into the fold, so you know when it does happen, it’s going to be a gooden. So, friends we hope you’re as excited about this as we are! 

Tixel is a non-ablative fractional skin rejuvenation system. Translation? It uses heat to improve skin texture, tone, quality and it’s exceptionally amazing at being used in areas otherwise quite difficult to treat. 

The Tixel device works by using a titanium tip with tiny spikes that emit a targeted heat. The tip is pressed onto the skin to create temporary channels that stimulate new proteins in the skin such as collagen and elastin, to improve the density, texture and firmness of the skin. This process (little channels) also allows topical treatments to penetrate deeper. This means we can/will often combine Tixel with a topical treatment element to really get your skin moving (moving in the best way possible). 

Whilst other heat-based therapies used to rejuvenate the skin can leave the skin extremely uncomfortable and unsightly, Tixel targets a selected percentage of only the deeper layers (very cleverly). This not only preserves the surrounding tissues, which limits both discomfort and downtime, but also packs a punch in its ability to improve skin texture and target common signs of ageing like wrinkles, fine lines and uneven skin tone. 

So James, why did you choose Tixel as a Porehouse-approved treatment? 
A great question, clever reader! Prior to Tixel we used a device called Mezotix which uses similar technology but doesn’t quite offer the breadth young Tixel can. Think of Tixel like Mezotix’s newer, more technically advanced sister. Whilst we still love and appreciate her (and can actually still use her with the Tixel device), we were looking for a step up from Mezotix – and that’s exactly why we stepped on up. 

Tixel provides a greater offering of uses – and due to its capabilities to create more energy, can affect change to the skin on a deeper level, addressing concerns more difficult to treat (like age-management). 

Who is the ideal candidate for a Tixel treatment (or two)?
Great segue! Tixel is now our go-to treatment modality to treat those with concerns of ageing – especially in areas such as the eyes, forehead, mouth, neck and décolleté. So, if you’re noticing changes to these areas and are seeking something that will treat them, then Tixel may just be the modality your heart (and skin) seeks.

Due to the targeted depth of skin this device treats, Tixel is also a fabulous tool in reducing the signs if acne and non-acne scarring.

Who should avoid Tixel?
If you identify as any of the below, Tixel will be better performed when your circumstances are a little different:
•    Pregnancy
•    Melasma
•    Some medications (including oral isotretinoin, warfarin, antibiotics, blood-thinners and long-term aspirin use)
•    Active cold sores in the treatment area
•    Inability to take downtime
Not to worry, we’re positive there’s a JV treatment suitable for you and your needs, now! Simply get in touch or see us for a consultation to discuss.

What can I expect if I come in for a Tixel treatment at James Vivian?
Do you want the good news or the *great* news?
The good news is that Tixel is an extremely quick treatment which allows us to get in and out without too much discomfort. The treatment feels like a series of quick zaps of heat to the treatment area which stops upon the completion of the treatment. Every person’s experience can differ when it comes to sensation, but not to fret! We can help alleviate discomfort during treatment by fanning or tapping the skin.

You’ll be sent home with strict instructions on what to apply (and what not to apply) to your skin following the Tixel treatment. Namely, no actives or strenuous exercise for a little while and very important sun safety to keep everything as it should be. 

In the five to seven days following treatment, it’s expected you’ll have some downtime, which will consist of dry, rough skin and slight reddening to the treatment area, including some mild scabbing. It’s all part of the process and we’ll be with you to hold your hand throughout (especially to ensure you’re not tempted to peel away any flaky skin!).

We recommend three to four treatments at four-to-six week intervals, followed by a review. All this will depend on you and your unique skin – and so will be discussed with your dermal therapist when you’re in!

Now, time for the *great* news!
After you’re out of the downtime period you can expect a firmer, more even and bright complexion! Hooray! Your skin will thank you and your smile will be testament to the power of Tixel.

Where to next?
If you’d like to chat with us about if Tixel is the treatment your skin is missing, please book in a consult here. Can’t wait to chat skin with you!