Gen Z are forgoing evening intimacy to wake up ‘hot’ – here’s what James Vivian has to say when it comes to the ‘Morning Shed’

Not on TikTok? No worries. Here we’ll debunk (pun intended) the latest #SkinTok trend sweeping the algorithms of the young and skin conscious – and how it has something (everything) to do with abstaining from sex.
If you’re a Millennial, Gen X or unfamiliar with the FYP of TikTok, then the ‘Morning Shed’ may have slipped through your screens of consciousness.
Despite its quirky name, this social media phenomenon is not a place to find solace amongst garden tools in the morning, nor is it how you may awake a couple days post chemical peel... The ‘Morning Shed' – rather, is a new social media sensation where (typically) Gen Z skincare enthusiasts indulge in elaborate bedtime routines to ensure they wake up looking their best. Unlike the numerous other multi-step skincare routines that have hit virality (i.e. slugging, beef tallow 🤢 and snail mucin) on the app, this one takes it a couple steps further.
Let’s explain:
- The ‘Morning Shed’ often incorporates other beauty rituals that require application in the evening. Other than multi-step skincare products, this can include (but is not limited to), heatless hair rollers, mouth guards, chin straps and pimple patches. This may seem like a tonne of silly apparatus to hit the hay with – and you’d be right. One of the key messages with this trend is to ‘go to bed ugly to wake up hot’. Eeek, we don’t like that.
- Secondly, let’s talk about sex (baby). It’s crucial that once all these products have been applied and rituals completed, the person taped up and moisturised to the heavens – lay perfectly still and not engage in any bedtime loving as this may undo all their ‘hard’ work.
Whilst we’re not here to judge this cohort of creatives living and breathing (through tape) the ‘Morning Shed’, we’re here to put our professional spin on whether there’s merit to this new social media trend...
James and many professionals, both in Australia and worldwide, have time and time again echoed that how often more is not necessarily the merrier, when it comes to multi-step skin routines. In fact, he gave another update to last week when asked to comment on the ‘Morning Shed’, “more isn’t always better when it comes to skincare”. Slay, James.
“Whilst some skincare and self-care practices are steeped in clinical data and proven history, many of the steps and processes that can grace a ‘morning shed’ are still not vet verified and may in fact be a bit of a waste of time.” James said.
Like many approaches when it comes to the skin, James likes to live by some core philosophies; keep it simple, trust ingredients that are proven and rely on professionals to ensure you’re nailing it.
“I’m not afraid of the acronym ‘KISS’, which stands for ‘keep it simple, stupid’. Skincare routines, I believe, should be simple and contain only ingredients and steps that our skins really need. Trust ingredients such as exfoliants, Vitamin A, antioxidants, peptides and don’t forgo essential steps such as cleaning, hydrating and, of course, SPF during the day.”
It’s clear that the majority of those participating in the ‘Morning Shed’ are most likely, not engaging in what James has echoed above.
In fact, here there are more questions that come into play for him than answers. Questions like ‘is this affecting their quality of sleep?’, ‘are these products more harmful than they are good?’ and ‘is forgoing sex affecting your relationship?’.
Akin to the lack of scientific proof that the ‘Morning Shed’ equates to glowing, healthy skin – James adds that there is in fact a cohort of proven evidence that intimacy or the ‘big O’ can often lead to better skin health and happiness.
A happy and balanced person often equates to happy balanced skin (not always, but often) so prioritising an elaborate skincare routine over proper rest, sleep and intimacy sounds like it might be more harmful than helpful.
Curious about the #MorningShed? You’ll be able to find thousands of examples with a simple hashtag search on the social media platform of your choice.
Want to chat with one of our degree qualified skin-experts about how you can have glowy skin (cake) and continue your preferred intimacy routine (eat it to)? We’d love to tailor a routine specific to your skin and your needs. Simply ask! (here).